Lucas King wrote:

i am looking for information as to how time is maintained on a Linux box.

i am currently running Redhat 7.2 (i am not sure if this is relevant) on a box on which i have set up a time server for a network. the time server delivers its time, via NTP, as UTC. i set up the client, being in Sydney, to add 10 hours to the UTC time that it receives. this is fine when on Eastern Standard Time (EST). however, things get more complicated when Daylight Saving Time (DST) kicks in. i don't want to go around to every client and adjust the added time from 10 hours to 11 hours. what a pain in the neck.
You can't.

At its heart, in what we call the "system clock", Linux keeps
the time in UTC (what you may know as Greenwich Mean Time).

The Network Time Protocol distributes the time in UTC too.

When a program asks for the time (say via the localtime()
C function) the UTC system clock is read and adjusted to
the local time.

This adjustment is done by the timezone subsystem.  This
is a set of timezone data files in /usr/share/zoneinfo
and a configuration file /etc/localtime.  The configuration
file is traditionally a symbolic link to a timezone file
in /usr/share/zoneinfo (but Red Hat Linux copies the
file instead).  An individual user can alter their timezone
as can an individual terminal -- both using the TZ environment
variable.  This allows for interstate users and interstate

In RHL you can find the timezone data files in the glibc-common
package.  In RHL the timeconfig program (in the timeconfig pakage)
is used to establish /etc/localtime.

When the machine is shut down the system clock needs to
be written to the clock-calendar chip.  A small battery
maintains the time and date on this chip.  Unfortunately,
Windows likes to keep the time on this chip in localtime,
(a very dumb choice).  UNIX operating systems keep the
time on their clock-calenadar chips in UTC.  So Linux
needs to be able to do both -- one to be compatible with
dual-boot Windows machines and the other to be compatible
with dual-boot UNIX machines (such as a Sun or Alpha).
Thus the question "Hardware clock set to GMT" asked
by timeconfig and the --utc and --localtime arguments
to hwclock.

If you have a Windows dual-boot machine, set the hardware
clock (another name for the clock-calendar chip) to localtime,
otherwise set it to UTC.  If you select local time for
the hardware clock then when the system time is
written to the hardware clock the system time will be
run through the timezone data to get the local time and
the local time will be written to the hardware clock.

Now, the timezone files know about the change to
daylight savings.  They know about this because there
is a worldwide collection of timezone information
maintained at

in the files starting with tz.  The timezone information
in Linux is occassionally refreshed from this collection.

So why would the time be wrong at a timezone change:

 - programs started on one side of a timezone change are
   still running.

 - you are running the hardware clock on local time and
   you didn't update it.  If you take time from an external
   NTP server the quick fix is:

       service ntpd start
       hwclock --localtime --systohc

   The better option is to keep the hardware clock at UTC,
   which is why this is recommended unless you need to dual-
   boot Linux and Windows.

 - the timezone data files could be wrong.  Download the
   latest tzcode file from elsie and check.  Lots of OSs
   use the tzcode files, so I doubt that these are wrong
   for any date in any part of Australia from about 1970.

 - RHL may not be using the latest timezone file.  Short-term
   fix: replace the files with the tzdata files from elsie.
   Long-term fix: keep distribution at or near latest release.

is it possible to have the network delivered time adjusted depending on whether it is EST or DST?
No.  NTP uses UTC.  There's no practical choice.  Think about
your average sysadmin being asked to calculate their offset from
UTC.  Think about the odds of them getting it right all of the
time.  Arrrgh.  Much better to have a single on-the-wire time
so that timezone configuration errors only effect one machine.

Regarding your question about maintaining the zoneinfo files.
This is a subset of "how do I maintain packages on my system"
which you need to solve to avoid security incidents.  Solutions
abound -- all very nice because of Linux's modular structure.
Individuals with cash like Red Hat Network, individuals without
cash find autorpm nice, and system administrators with tens
to thousands of machines to maintain use autoupdate (as this
allows them to insert their own RPMs, a nice way of applying
corporate-wide configuration standards, such as which NTP
server to use).

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!^#%$#, you help someone and then they threaten to sue you.

If I'd seen this before writing the above I wouldn't have

 Glen Turner                (08) 8303 3936 or +61 8 8303 3936
 Australian Academic and Research Network

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