On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 01:26:47PM +1100, Tony Green wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-12-05 at 13:21, David Fitch wrote:
> > you could argue that it's not a "legimate mail server"
> > if it doesn't reverse resolve.
> > Are there valid reasons why they wouldn't reverse resolve?
> What if you house your machines at a co-lo site?  You're allocated an IP
> and you can't control the reverse mapping of it.  Does that mean that
> you don't have a 'legimate mail server'?

you might not be able to control the reverse mapping but it
should still map to something - which is good enough.
Are there co-lo places where the IP doesn't reverse map to
anything?  and if so, why?  (apart from incompetence
or cluelessness)
> We're getting off-topic and should take this to -chat

I'm not on slug-chat, and besides I don't think it's OT.

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