On Tue, 2002-12-17 at 15:32, Michael Fox wrote:
> Ahuh, and I've read it along with many other pages from /doc/en/
> As I said, still having problems.
> Might just drop this field, and figure it out another time. At the end of the 
> day I am just writing something to learn from. Since I've wanted to do some 
> more mysql/php mucking about.

Your using 'INSERT INTO blah VALUES( 'blah','blah','');' and it doesn't
work.  Try 'INSERT INTO blah VALUES( 'blah','blah',NULL);' and see if
you get any better results.

Maybe way off, but I don't think '' and NULL are the same thing (but its
been a while since I played DBA - they wouldn't let me once they found
out my parents were married....)


/me runs

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