Hi people,

I've been asked to setup a web server with 4 virtual hosts...no big
deal, but eventually I will also be asked to put that web server behind
a firewall.

here's the basic idea:
4 domain names each with their own IP
Web server is Apache configured with 4 virtual hosts.
Firewall is ipchains (could be iptables but i havent had enough
experience with it to be comfortable configuring it)

the firewall will drop every packet except those aimed at www, dns, and

So here's the question.

If each domain has its own IP address does that mean that I will need to
bind those ip addresses to the internet interface on the firewall? If so
can anyone explain how I can bind multiple ipaddress to 1 interface.

If if tell ipchains to only allow www,dns, and ssh on the internet
interface, will it allow connections aimed at any of the 4 ip addresses
or will it only allow the first one bound to the interface?

I'm quite new to this so I dont know if i'm going in the wrong direction
so your feedback/suggestions would be most appreciated :)

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