At Tue, 31 Dec 2002 17:36:26 +1100, Louis Selvon wrote:
> until ($response->is_success) { 
>       sleep $sleep_; # $sleep_ = 20 minutes
> } # 
> But I just never get a $response->is_success, as the script just stays up
> forever.
> What could cause "$response->is_success" to never occur. When I manually post
> I'm always taken to the resulting page that the script normally gets back at
> times. If it never occurs does this mean my data got lost when contacting the
> form at the other end ??

if the response was not a successful one (ie: there was some error),
no amount of waiting is suddenly going to make it become successful.

i suggest you print out the response status, etc when it isn't
successful and find out *why* its failing.

 - Gus
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