Alan L Tyree wrote:
> Any suggestions much appreciated. And we might set a world record for
> the oldest first time Linux user!

Go even older tvwm or fvwm. They give multiple desktops (one for email
client, one for browser).

Or skip any windows manager. Pine and Lynx. Seriously, I know a lot of
old fogies who use nothing else.

Word processing might be a problem (no she doesn't want open/star
office/abi word). I would even suggest latex and letter.sty,if she just
had a few templates. Some of these old folks are quite good on the
pickup. )How do you like drinking cups of tea = support fee {:-) 

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} email: terryc at  www:  
   Wombat Outdoor Adventures <Bicycles, Computers, GIS, Printing,

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"
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