> Where is it for RH 7.1 ?

>I suspect it's somewhere obscure in /usr/X11R6/lib/something. "locate
gdm.conf" or "find / -name gdm.conf" will find it for you.

Louis> Thanks for that. But after browsing the forums and emailing the support
staff for my server, I found out that they do not install the X Window system
on the servers they give. So looks like I've got to install it first. What's
the easiest way for me to do this remotely ? Can I use "up2date" to get the
files, and what are all the rpm files I need to install either Gnome and/or

> I want to manually enable xdmcp for a server located across the web,
> and see if cgiwin/XFREE86 can send me the graphical display for the
> server.

>Whoa there tiger. xdm is cool for local networks, but there's no way I'd
do it accross the internet. There are two compelling reasons why:

1. It's insecure.
2. SSH lets you do the same thing, with compression!

Louis> I see. Thanks for letting me know. The forums I read also did not
recommend this approach.

>Here's what I suggest as an alternative:
>Get teraterm and ttssh (only because I know for a fact that it can do X
forwarding). Start your X server. Run ttssh and connect to your server
in the US - set ttssh to "forward X connections". Start whatever program
you need to use accross the internet. Crank up the compression settings
on teraterm and you'll find this is generally a less painful experience.

Louis> Where can I get "teraterm" ? You say start the X server. Once I install
Gnome or KDE isn't the X server always up and running across a live server ?

>You could for example run gnome-panel and get your gnome foot thing.

Louis> Once I install the GUI stuff, I'll see about that. I'll keep you posted
on that.

>There's probably some additional gotchas, but that's the basic principle
- forward X over your SSH tunnel. 

Louis> I have Putty that I use to connect remotely. I can do both Telnet and
SSH. But I think I will permanently disabled Telnet on the server. For that I
just set "disabled" to "YES" from the "/etc/xinetd.d/wp_telnet" file on this
server, and that should do it right ? Do I need to restart Apache for the new
changes to take effect ?

>If you're doing remote administration you *need* ssh.

The ssh that ships with cygwin will do this as well IIRC.

Louis> How do I run ssh with cgiwin ?

> I initially tried VNC for this but never got it working. So I gave up. But I
am feeling confident with cgiwin/XFREE86.

>there are two really nice things about vnc - first is that you have a
persistent session, second is that you can tunnel it over ssh. Might be
worth persisting with, depending on what you really need. Getting ssh to
forward X is probably the easiest.

Louis> Well if I get some help on this one I will definetely give it a go

So which is better then using "teraterm" or "VNC" or have both setup and then
I see which best suits me ?

I just bought a Networking guide for homebased setups, and it has a copy of
VNC on there. VNC 3.3 for Windows, and VNC 2.8 for Linux.

Actually it might be a good idea for me to try both VNC and teraterm for my
local network to see how it's setup, and then I can progress with the live
server. But I want to at least install an X Window on the live server at this
very moment. I am on holidays now so have time to do this right now.


Louis .

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