Title: Nortel and Cisco VPN

Hi all,

I am trying to do a network printing from one to another site via the static nat option.  But so far not any luck.  Can anyone help on this issue?

The problem

Printer <---> Cisco 6000 <--> Cisco VPN 2005 <-internet-ipsec-tunnel-> Nortel Connectity <--> Cisco 4000 <---> Server

Office 1 Local IP <--> Cisco 6500 <--> Real world ip <-- ipsec/NAT on the clients side--> Real world ip<--> Cisco 4000 <-- Office 2 local ip

Now I want to print from the server on the right hand side to the printer on the left hand side?  I am able to access the web, ssh..etc.  The left hand side (i.e my other office), has given me 2 ip address, one for the users static nat for all and one for printer.  I have natted the printer ip on the cisco vpn 3005 as to the local ip of the printer(this is the only way I can go about it, the other office doesn't want to do a network to network).  Now if I do a print job on the server, to the given natted ip for the printer, I am not able to get a response.  Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


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