On Tue, 4 Mar 2003 18:38:25 +1100
Mick Boda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I wanted to get back into overclocking, but it crashes linux redhat.

Patient: Doctor, doctor, it hurts when I bang my head against the wall.
Doctor : Well stop banging your head against the wall and the pain will stop.

> Is there anyway to hack the kernel so that it thinks it's running on a faster 
> processor?

What you are seeing has NOTHING to do the what processor speed Linux may
or may not think its running. 

If your machine is stable at the rated clock speed, and crashes when above the
rated clock speed then you are running into the limits of what that piece
of  hardware is capable of. 

The main thing that happens when you increase the clock speed is that the quality
of the digital signals within the components (CPU, bus controllers, PCI bridges,
RAM chips etc etc) degrades. Clean transitions between logic 0 and logic 1 (and
vice versa) become less clearly defined, the slopes of the transitions increase 
as a proportion of the clock speed etc.

In addition, because heat is generated mostly during the switching transition
and the swicthing time per clock cycle has increased, you get increased heating
at higher clock rates. In addition, as the termperature goes up, so does the
resistance and hence more heating and worse signals.

The ONLY way that you MIGHT be able to overclock is if you can find the component
which is causing the crashes and cool it down. Cooling will decrase the resistance,
decrease the power consumption which and by doing that, help clean up the signals.

  Erik de Castro Lopo  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yes it's valid)
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