On  4 Mar, Bill wrote:
>  Hi Luke,
>  Thanks for the reply. Info as requested hereunder:-
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cat /etc/fstab
>  none       /proc       proc   defaults            0 0
>  none       /dev/pts    devpts mode=0622           0 0
>  /dev/fd0   /mnt/auto/floppy auto   user,noauto,exec,umask=000    0 0
>  #
>  /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ext3 noauto,users,exec 0 0          # Knoppix partition
>  #
>  /dev/hda5 / ext3 defaults  1 1                          # Mdk 9.0 boot 
>  partition
>  #
>  /dev/hda6 none swap defaults 0 0                        # Swap for both Mdk 
>  9.0 and Knoppix
>  #
>  /dev/hda7 /mnt/hda7 ext3 auto,users,exec 0 0             #Mdk 9.0 Home 
>  partition
>  #
>  /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1 vfat noauto,users,exec 0 0          # XP partition
>  #
>  /dev/hdb5 /mnt/hdb5 ntfs noauto,users,exec 0 0          # XP data
>  #
>  /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1 ntfs noauto,users,exec 0 0          #XP data

That all looks good.

>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls -ld /home
>  drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Feb 26 16:04 /home/

Likewise.  I also assume that a df -k /home would show that /home is on
the root "/" (/dev/hda5) partition.

>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls -ld /home/bill
>  ls: /home/bill: No such file or directory
>  (Appears that problem is with Symlink???)

I think so, yes.

>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mount
>  /dev/hda5 on / type ext3 (rw)
>  none on /proc type proc (rw)
>  none on /proc/bus/usb type usbdevfs (rw)
>  none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,mode=0622)
>  /dev/hda7 on /mnt/hda7 type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev)
>  /dev/hdb1 on /mnt/hdb1 type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev)

I notice that you don't mount the Knoppix root partition by default,
which makes sense (avoids the risk of accidental damage).

Similarly, when you boot Knoppix, I expect that its /etc/fstab doesn't
mount the Mandrake root partition, either.

If you'd set up the /home symlink under Knoppix, that would explain
things - the symlink would only be visible under Knoppix.

So the solution may therefore be as simple as a:

# cd /
# mv home home.saved    # Let's be careful
# ln -s /mnt/hda7 /home

Let me know how that works out.


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