imho, Ozemail Tech support is her best option. I even supplied the number.
All my other suggestions are equally valid.

Its Outlook providing the negative experience. Do you think she's running it
under Wine? ;)

Please move this OT thread to Slug-chat.


I don't think that reply achieved much asides from making sure someone's
(likely) first experience with Linux users was a negative one.


On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 10:50, Marty Richards wrote:
> -----
> I am having a problem connecting to ozemail. It keeps giving me the sign
> Error      Ox800 CCC0E. could you please tell me what this means and if I
> can correct it .
> -----
> It means "welcome to outlook, resistance is futile, you will be
> assimilated".
> Maybe you could reinstall everything?
> There might be a message in your "deleted items" with more information
> the error... 
> Ring Ozemail tech support, they might be able to help - 132 884, 24 hours.
> If you have all day and a few hundred spare dollars, ring Micro$oft.
> Cheers,
> Marty
> Netway Networks Pty Ltd 
> (T) 8920 8877 
> (F) 8920 8866 
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
> More Info:
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