<quote who="Mick Boda">

> How do I install the kde and gnome packages into debian.

You're doing the right thing it seems, but you are using unofficial sources,
which will often have breakages here and there. You'll just have to deal
with them as the arise.

> I tried apt-get install gnome-core  but it brings up broken packages,

Please give us the error messages so we can help.

> I'm running xfree 4.2 will KDE still "break" my system?

However you install KDE or GNOME, they won't "break" your system if there
are problems with package dependencies. You just have to work out where the
problems are (we can probably help with that if you provide some more info).

Definitely remember that Debian stable lags behind other distros (for good
reason), and that unofficial sources may have problems here and there. You
may be more satisfied with another distribution whilst you're learning (I'm
assuming this is your first experience here, apologies if it isn't).

- Jeff

GU4DEC: June 16th-18th in Dublin, Ireland             http://www.guadec.org/
   "You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to
       walk away, and know when to run." - Kenny Rogers, The Gambler
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