You have a large disk storage to leave it up to
default installation process to decide for you
the partitioning, allocation, and configuration of
of your disk and location of your software.

If it is up to me I will choose custom for install.
In this way you can plan to locate your application
software and databases in a way that even if you
have to reinstall or upgrade Linux on this same
system you ease the hardship and stress of sorting
out the oates from the straws.

With such a large storage space I would choose
custom in installation process and would control
myself the partitioning of the drive and choose
where to put my application software like Apache,
PHP, MySQL, etc. away from file systems directories
that branches out from the standard Linux trees.
Then, to conform  back to standards in locating
application and  utility software I would merely
link symbolic these application and databases files.

For example, with Apache, we all know that in
Linux, the standard location for locating application
software and databases is '/usr/local/apache'. For
me I will locate my Apache software and databases
in '/appl/apache' or '/home/apache' or anything away from
'/usr/local'. Then, assuming I choose '/appl/apache',
I will do,

ln -s /appl/apache  /usr/local/apache
echo "/appl/apache/lib" >> /etc/

In general, I would also do the same to any application
software after I install. Caution: Some software requires

Now, for disk partitioning, because the aim is to
leave the file systems inside the Linux trees virtually
unchanged apart from the admin files, systems, and
application log files, I allocate an optimum size
to my file systems in the linux trees.


for my 20GB my partition will be,

/                         1GB (may be less)
swap                  512MB(About x2.0 of Physical Memory.
                           A very large swap space like 2GB swap vs 256MB
                           may slow down your system. This is from
                           my experience, for what reason I do not know).
/usr                    1GB
/appl                  16GB (Depending on size of Databases)
/home                1.5GB

Now if I need to reinstall or upgrade Linux  I
copy the directory '/etc/' and leave my '/appl' and
'/home' without building 'newfs' over it. I just
modify or build newfs on  '/', 'swap', and '/usr'.

From: "Voytek Eymont" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm setting up RH8 with Apache 1.3x, MySQL, PHP as well as BIND, POP/SMTP
> server and whatever else it will need as an Internet server,
> it has Cel900, 20GB IDE, 256RAM
> it will run in character mode only
> how should I split the 20GB IDE ?
> swap partion size ?
> what RAM do you guys suggest, 256 or more ?
> (before I hear suggestions of 1GB or more, pls keep in mind, the current
> server is P2-300 with 64MB and 4GB SCSI running OS/2, and, is more than
> adequate in all aspects)

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