This one time, at band camp, Amanda Wynne wrote:
>I'm looking at getting an Alcatel Pro. Currently running a P120 with Freesco 
>via dialup.

I'd recomend the DSL-300 from D-Link. There it maintains the
authentication and you just plugin a cat5 crossover to your system.
On the system it's connected to, you just use dhcp to configure the IP
address on it.

>What I'm thinking of doing, if it's possible (this was going to be my next 
>question) is change the Freesco box to bridge mode, feeding the alcatel, with 
>my web server (yet another box) hanging off the alcatel. That way my Lan is 
>effectively double-firewalled.

'double-firewalled' is really not going to mean much.

I refuse to say free-->SCO<-- is a good idea.

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