From: "Alex Balayan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all,
> Recently I had the pleasure of installing the Slackware 9.0 on my IBM
> ThinkPad 600E (128Meg/RAM). Kernel 2.4.20 running XFree86 4.3.0.
> It seems X-Windows starts to run really slow when I use Mozilla. Allot of
> lag. TOP shows X and mozilla-bin processes peaking.
> Any ideas on what might be causing this ? Is there was way to "tweak"
> X-Windows ? am I better off using another browser ?
> Infact, it seems that most applications using gtk etc slow X down.
> Can someone shed some light on these issues ?
> Thanks in advance.

Perhaps, if you run,

ps -axu                -   look for unnecessary processes
netstat -v             -   look for open  ports that you don't need and
disable them.
route -e               -   check your route. Ensure you have all covered.
Mozilla tries to
                                 access the default web site, perhaps,
assuming you are
                                 connected to the Net ?
vmstat -n 5         -    check your SWAP and CPU activities. You have not
                                 optimum SWAP space ? 2x Memory size is

with and without X running then compare the outputs. You will get some
understanding of what's going on with your system. Hard to tell without
specific and relevant information from where I stand.

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