
I'm having trouble getting to grips with NTFS ACLs in samba (2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian)

I've set up a samba server with the usual homes and share drives &c. Windows 98 clients are no problem. But the win 2k boxes are a different kettle of things. I was puzzled as to why one user would get another user's home share mounted on H: when i could find nothing in the 2k user profile that would override the samba settings. I've narrowed it down to an odd set of security permissions being applied to files on the server. Basically it seems to be entirely random as to who gets ownership of a file/folder in the 2k file properties security tab. So for eg I find Fred owns Joe's home directory and when Joe logs on he gets Fred's home mounted instead of his own. I've also noticed things (again in the 2k permissions dialog) like names listed as "<Fred Bloggs> DOMAIN\jsmith" ie the server user name and user's full name are different.

Removing Fred from the permissions and having Joe 'take ownership' in 2k doesn't work either, Fred's right back there when i open the dialog again.

Something is up with the defaults set by samba, i'm sure, but i don't know what. there doesn't seem to be much info out there on how to manage NT ACLs from the samba end (because plainly doing anything on the client machine isn't working). I have tried running smbcacls but it's asking me for a password but there is no clue as to who's password it wants and i've tried 'em all. :)

any info or pointers to howtos would be much appreciated...


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