On Thu 19 Jun, Bill Bennett bloviated thus:
> I'd like to try burning audio (and data) CDs under Linux, but I'm a bit
> chary about the applications. There are several.
> The few people who've volunteered opinions suggest cdparanoia,
> although it looks a bit involved.

Sounds like you're after a drag-and-drool application.  I would
recommend k3b from KDE.  It puts a very easy-to-use interface on all
the CD burning tools.

Rev Simon Rumble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Send email with subject "send key pub" for public key.

If the designers of X-windows built cars, there would
be no fewer than five steering wheels hidden about the
cockpit, none of which followed the same prinicples --
but you'd be able to shift gears with your car stereo.
Useful feature, that.

-- From the programming notebooks of a heretic, 1990.
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