Oscar Plameras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered the following thing:
> Better if you have more depending on the number
> of mail clients. 
> >From my experience optimum is,
> up to 500     users-  2 MX
> up to 1000   users-  3 MX
> up to 3000   users-  4 MX
> up to 8000   users-  5 MX
> up to 15000 users- 6 MX
> ......
> ......
> up to 60000 users- 10 MX

This is of course highly dependent on the software and hardware
combination. I've seen two MX records for ~10k users, and
10 MX records for 600k users.
I also see _one_ MX for 700k users (though this is facilitated
by a hardware load-balancer).

Ben Buxton - Random Network Person

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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