On 23 Jun 2003, El 4Love wrote:

> I have encountered a problem with our network.
> Following is diagrams shows how our computers are connected.
>               Internet
>                   |
>                   |
>               ADSL Router/Firewall
>                     |
>         ____________|____________
>        |                         |
>     Switch                  Workstation1
>        |
>  ______|___________________________
> |                                  |
> Other Workstations           Linux Server
> The problem with our network is that, it stops functioning after about a
> day or so, and then I have to restart the router and switch (switch-off
> and switch-on) to resume normal operations. The linux server runs a web
> server, and when this happens the browser from the external computer
> says, network unreachable. I won't even be able to ping any of the
> machines from any other machine in the network. I use all private IP
> addresses for all the machines.
> Can anyone suggest where to look for?

Sounds like your switch is fubar.

Have you tried replacing it with a spare or borrowed one to see if the
problem disappears?

Also, have you looked for heat problems with the switch? Could be the
switch is overheating, and this causes it to lockup. Unlikely, but


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