I want to run linux as a gateway computer between my lan and the
I am well aware of the tools needed to acomplish this task as I have
been using linux for the last 2 years or so.
my dilemmer is this.
I am the only one who knows and understands linux in my household, and
my partner prefers to use windows.
I am searching for a way to enable her to be able to point and click and
start or stop pppd and get the usual connection statistics she has
become acustom to.
currently, I run debian3.0 kernel 2.4.20 and speakup-1.5.
I must point out at this point in time that I am a blind user of
GNU/Linux and prefer to use it as my os of choice due to the nature of
the free software movement.
any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance.

Shaun Oliver
"Becareful of the toes u step on today, they maybe connected to the ass you have to 
kiss tomorrow!"

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