On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 15:11, Bill Bennett wrote:
> I've a rather exotic Compact Disk that I'd like to copy.
> Two symphonies, each of three movements.
> Unfortunately, whoever laid out this disc had probably been
> smoking substances: each movement is separated by 2 seconds and
> the symphonies by 3.
> I can rip the disc without difficulty.
> When I burn it, I'd like to separate the movements with
> (approximately) 15 seconds and the symphonies by (approximately) 30.
> On looking over man cdrecord, the -pad option seems to be what's
> the matter. It pads the audio data to be a multiple of 2352 bytes.
> Unfortunately, I don't know what this equates to in seconds.
> Can anyone help, please? 

The 'padsize=' option looks like a better bet.

"To pad the equivalent of 20 minutes on
a CD, you may write padsize=20x60x75s."

So you might try padsize=30x75s (the s refers to sectors, not seconds.)

The manual says this needs to be specified for each track though.

The pad option seems to just increase the file by only a little until
the total size is a multiple of 2352 bytes. CD audio is 16bits per
channel at 44KHz, which works out to 176000 bytes per second, so 2352
bytes is approximately bugger all ;)


Felix Sheldon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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