On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 03:40:03PM +1000, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:

> Does anyone know of a way to have a single ssh-agent running on a machine
> per user, so that when they log in on the console, or via {k,g,x}dm, or ssh,
> only one ssh-agent is running?

At boot time start one agent per user:

    su - $user -c "ssh-agent > ~$user/ssh-agent.sh"

then at each login run:

    eval `grep SSH_AUTH_SOCK ~/ssh-agent.sh`; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK

ssh uses $SSH_AUTH_SOCK to talk to the agent.

> Does anyone know how to have ssh keys loaded into ssh-agent without having
> ssh-add ask for a passphrase, until that key is used?  So I can have all the
> keys I use loaded at ssh-agent start, but I get prompted for a passphrase on
> the key only when ssh tries to use that key?  Or perhaps a way for the key
> to get added to ssh-agent when ssh needs it?

No idea, sorry.


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