Unfortunately, you're right: I went back to Gnome and ran gv from
the "run" application.

Curses. Unfortunately, I upgraded from Redhat7 to 8. In 7, I
used to be able to use gv at the command line. On reflection,
I suspect a knowledgable friend, knowing that I was happier
here, slipped in an alias. I don't suppose you could suggest
one? I'm a bit out of my depth here.



On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 04:23:05PM +1000, Mike Alonzo spake thusly:
=+-> >>>>> "Bill" == Bill Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
=+->     Bill> In answer to Peter's question: I'm doing this from a terminal
=+->     Bill> interface.
=+->     Bill> Unsure of how to determine $DISPLAY
=+->     Bill> When I type in xterm I am told:
=+->     >> xterm Xt error: Can't open display:
=+->     You have to be inside X to use Ghostscript.
=+-> -- 
=+->   .''`.      Jan Alonzo      ::           jmalonzo at spaceants dot org   
=+->  : :' :      PGP fp: DB23 8CB2 E050 7737 B3C4  BB2C 5368 864B C70C 894A 
=+->  `. `'           ID: C70C894A
=+->    `-          
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