On Tuesday 15 Jul 2003 7:00 pm, Hal Ashburner wrote:
> Out of interest, does anybody know the best way to write GUI
> based apps fast under Linux? There might be a bit of a market
> down that path over the next couple of years as a bunch of
> organisations migrate to Linux for all the right reasons, then
> realise they have a bunch of apps that have to be ported that
> are written in VB & VBA... Perl Tk?
> Tcl/Tk?
> Glade perl?
> Python Tk?
> XBasic?
> evem Kylix? (Not free, boo!)
> Anyone know anything about Qt's recent relase of a scripting
> language?
> (No kudos for anyone who suggests C & GTK+ :) I mean fast for
> an idiot like me, drag & drool if you will...)
There was a project   Phoenix BASIC   that looked pretty good at 
one stage. I wrote a few simple apps in it to try it out a couple 
of years ago. It used the same basic structure as VB but I think 
it has died.  Janus software were the authors. 

Stay well and happy
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