> I have RH73 with Postfix as MTA,
> looking at various conf files for php-related stuff, some of 
> them want to know 'path to
> sendmail' or 'sendmail options',
> what is one supposed to with that ?
> does sendmail still gets called (as a 'one time execution' 
> rather than deamon..?)
> ; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: 
> 'sendmail -t -i').
> ;sendmail_path =


My understanding is exactly that... php.ini needs the sendmail path so
that the mail() function can execute sendmail when it's needed.  You can
also set up php to use a TCP connection to send mail (SMTP directive)...
that is, connect to port 25 and issue the necessary commands to send an
email, if the daemon is running.  

Arguments necesary to run sendmail from within php would be site



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