> I have a system running sendmail that is behind a WINGATE 
> which is also a SMTP 
> Server, 
> On the outside of the WINGATE is internet and intranet is 
> behind the WINGATE. 
> How can I send an email through internet (from Client --> 
> Sendmail Server --> 
> Wingate (SMTP server)--> internet)?
> Thank you for your help. 
> -- 

Im' not that familiar with Wingate, in fact I didn't know it came with a
built in SMTP server.

You should probably disable Wingate's SMTP function (unless it does
something other than forward mail for your network, like virus scanning
etc) and only run with the one MTA (Sendmail).  Check the WinGate
manuals and/or website for info.

Then add an access-list to Wingate allowing connections from your
Sendmail server to the outside world (port 25).  Note, this would also
mean having to allow access to you sendmail server via port 25 to the
internet, if you want to  receive mail.

hope this helps



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