My wife does some teaching out at USW.  They have receintly told her
that they will no longer be issueing paper pay slips.  They will be
online and she will be "required" to use IE5 to read them.  She has
told them that she uses Linux and is waiting for them to get back to her.

Now this is good.  Nobody has /ever/ told my wife that she is "required" to
do something she doesn't want to do and retained the use of all their limbs.

She will take this to the union, she'll take it as far up the chain 
as far she can go.  She will spend hours on the phone arguing.  I can
hear it now:  "Give me your name, email me a copy of your departments
complaint form, give me the phone number of the Universities legal
department and connect me with your supervisor *NOW!*."

Will she be wasting her time?

Does anybody know any sys admins at UWS who might help?

Anybody got any strategys or amunition for her?

I put MSWord under wine on her machine after years of argueing with 
people out at UWS who seem to know no other document format.  I could
do the same with IE5.  But not without a fight.

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