>When I first installed PHP with Apache 1.3x, we specified the 'include'
path directive
>to be 'above' the web server's root, so that a browser could NOT access it,
and, all the
>PHP inc files were placed there, inaccesible to any brower.
>looking at variety of php scripts/apps, these come with an 'includes'
directory below
>the application directory

There are a number of ways to access your includes.

1.You put them under the file trees of your  'htdocs'.
2. Put them in a sub-directory of PHP/lib.
3. Put it anywhere in your file system and define an 'alias'
in your httpd.conf. For example,

If your current includes are in /appl/phpinclude,

your entry in httpd.conf


Alias /phpinclude/ "/appl/phpinclude/"

<Directory "/appl/phpinclude/">
Options Indexes Multiviews
AllowOverride none
Order allow, deny
Allow from all


The "/phpinclude/" will appear as a directory under your "htdocs"
like so:


Oscar Plameras

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
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