
Set aside some time to play and experiment, don't leave stuff like this to be done just-in-time.

Learning the various techniques and idiosyncricies takes a little bit.  Set aside an evening or two to experiment first.

Warmest regards

Michael S. E. Kraus
Network Administrator
Capital Holdings Group (NSW) Pty Ltd
p: (02) 9955 8000

"Adam Hewitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

14/08/2003 10:44 AM

        To:        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        cc:        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Experience with emulators/Open Source Software

I sent this email through yesterday and when I didn't get any replies I
checked the email I sent and it appears to have sent it as HTML even though
I have plain text selected in outlook, so most likely you all ignored it...I
appologize. Anyways I have sent it thoguh again, this time as text



Hi All,

Well after about a week of going back to Windows and trying all the open
source software for windows that you kind people told me about, I have come
to one conclusion...Windows is shit, and open source software built on shit
unfortunately becomes shit by inheritance. My productivity has declined and
after rebooting 3 times *today* alone I have decided to go back to linux and
try this bochs emulator (wish I new about this earlier as I can't seem to
justify $300 for a vmware licence to my management..."why dont you just run

I guess before I go ahead and install my 'pretty', I should ask how bochs
runs (most likely with win98 as the guest) and have you had any issues with
it? I tried getting it working on windows to attempt to run linux as the
guest, but I couldn't seem to get it to read the CD at boot time (error code
0003). Am I likely to run into this problem again with installing windows as
the guest?

I have a feeling that I will get in the shit if I format and reinstall again
only to find out that I can't get bochs to work running win98 and I dont
then have access to the various windows software I need.



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