> start mysqld up with the --skip-grant-tables option.  Taht will turn off
> all access restrictions so you can go in and fix the access tables
> (erm, that's the mysql database, not access... you know what I mean)
> When you're done, kill mysqld and restart it as normal.
> It can be a bit of a pain figuring out the command line for mysqld which
> is normally handled by safe_mysqld, or whatever your distribution uses
> instead.  I recommend using 'ps wwaux|grep mysqld' to get the current
> command line options and then entering that with the addition of the
> --skip-grant-tables option.
> Andrew

Think I've really foo bar'd it up. This doesn't work...

Fatal error: Please read "Security" section of the manual to find out how to
run mysqld as root!
030826  9:46:42  Aborting

030826  9:46:42  mysqld: Shutdown Complete

(read the security bit and it says to run mysqld -Sg/--skip-grant-tables
.... which tells me to read the security manual ..... catch 22!

So anyways, when removing it, its obviously not blasting away the actual
databases. Thinking I may just have to drill these manually. Did a bit of a
google but can't find info on how. Is it just stored in a file I can rm or
any thoughts? (don't want/need any info in the databases, or even the

Cheers, Craig

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