Hi All,

I got myself an ibook about 6 or 7 weeks ago and although originally I
was thinking "why would anyone want to install linux in this when OS X
is so cool, and you can run X11 with Fink?"...I am beginning to feel
myself being slowly drawn to install linux on it, like a fly to a bug
zapper...its so mesmorizing...

My question is has anyone compared YDL with a debianPPC install and what
kind of results did you get? At heart I am a great debian fan, I run
debian on my PC at work, my two servers at home and my desktop at home
(although not for long...I need my games :( )...but the though of
installing a distro that was made for my ibook has me interested (that
and the fact that it comes with apt-rpm installed and configured by
default aparently)...

Any comments?


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