On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 16:22:41 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Scott, thanks

>What do you want them imported from? The web server? windows machine? flat 
>If its a flat file, whats it look like?

at this time, they're in my mail server user database, which happens to be dBase 
format(as in Ashton Tate) dbf file

I was aiming at exporting it to text, either tab del or csv.
so, I can massage them into whatever will suit the target format.

the actual files has stuff like:

needless to say, the more i can import the happier I'll be...

>If I remember correctly, you need to do one of two things:
>/etc/init.d/proftpd stop ; chkconfig --delete proftpd (It won't delete 
>proftpd, just stop it from running on startup)
>edit /etc/xinetd.d/ftpd (or similar ) and change line DISABLE = no to yes.

no, I need to have FTPd for the dozen or so web hosts, but, I thought I ought to 
prevent potential ftp access from mail-only users

>> should I also CHOWN all /home/username(s) to be owned by root ?
>If they have no shell/ftp/anything access besides pop & smtp, is there any 
>reason to change the permissions?

well, some SLUGgers suggested that, and, I thought 'why not' 
>How have you disabled them from logging in?


by way of explanation: I have some web vhost users, these need ftp access, then I have 
mail users, JUST pop, NO smtp (they use an ISP)

at this time, I have created all web vhost users with user name=domain.name, and, hve 
set the /home/mydomain.com.au, and, Apache vhost stuff.

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