On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 22:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >     Uh.. one of the new partitions will house Rh8.0
> >     and another  will be win2k. Please do suggest
> >     things I must be on the lookout for (particularly
> >     with win2k around - eg grub conflicts etc).
> Repeating what I've been told:
> Windows apparently has the endearing habit of assuming it'll be the
> only OS on the machine, and dumps its own bootloader onto the MBR with
> that assumption operating.

Not quite true: Windows clears the MBR of other bootloaders, but doesn't
install its own bootloader there. 

NTLDR (the Windows bootloader) is installed into the partition boot
sector - the first 512 bytes of a partition.

An IA32 BIOS will first look in the MBR to execute a bootloader. If
there is no executable code in the MBR, it will look in the PBS of the
first partition.


Mike MacCana              Consultant            RHCE, MCSE, MCP+I
Cybersource: Providing Quality IT Professional Services for 11 Years
Specialists in Unix/Linux, TCP/IP and Web Application Development
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