
I'm trying to customise Gnome menus for all users on a system.  If I've read the 
documentation correctly, it should just be a matter of opening 
applications-all-users:/// in Nautilus (as root), and dropping .desktop files wherever 
I want them.  Then when a user logs in, the changes should be evident.  Unfortunately 
they're not.

I'm running Debian unstable with Gnome 2.2.2.  The idea is to customise the 
applications menu to be as minimal and newbie-friendly as possible, since everything 
else can still be had through the Debian menu.

The changes I'm attempting seem to be reflected in the vfolders files; they just have 
no practical effect.  I'm a bit perplexed.

I've succeeded in creating a new folder within the applications menu, but no matter 
how many .desktop files I drop in there, it remains empty (when looking at the menu 
itself - viewed through Nautilus everything is as it should be).

I must be overlooking something very obvious.

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