Thank you very much for your analysis Patrick. Much appreciated. Just to clarify the 
points you have raised.

The login screen is the gnome graphical login, where one types a user name, then 
password to use the computer.
I believe the hostname of the computer is being set by the modem, as when I 
disconected this computer from the modem and connected another, the name of the other 
computer is imposed upon this one when I reconnect it. 

Only one computer is ever connected to the modem at one time. I'm not trying to 
network many computers, just have a nice, fast & reliable net connection.

The modem is something called a Motorola 'surfboard' and it claims on it's box that it 
is a 'cable modem' (I'm being careful here as I am well out of my depth with 
networking and hardware - this is both)

The laptop was certainly called 'debian' being the default on installation of the 
debian distro.
Gnoppix (The Gnome based Knoppix) calls itself 'credativ'
I did also boot Koppix at one point, which renamed the connection as well, to 
something else which now escapes me.

I believe these names are being stored in the cable modem or at a computer on the 
Telstra side of things. Thus renaming this computer to whatever is being stored. My 
shell now reads [EMAIL PROTECTED], if I can impose my will on what comes after the @ I 
guess everything will fall into place.

My idea was rather than renaming the conection in /etc/hosts everytime something else 
gets booted plugged into the modem, to get RH9 to rename the connection when it boots 
and connects it. So it's /etc/hosts will always be fine.

How did I set up the connection? I plugged the modem into the USB, installed BPA login 
and from there it 'just worked' no I don't know much about it.

The 'Link' lines were added by myself after much googling, they work in as much as 
they make the error messages go away on login to Gnome, which makes M & D more 
They came from a script that was designed to update the IP address if it isn't static. 
Possibly a sub-optimal solution...

there is no /etc/network/interfaces on this RH9 distro, nor is there an /etc/hostname.

I'm going to try changing /etc/sysconfig/networking/ifcfg-lo

commenting out NAME=loopback
inserting NAME="Ashburner"

So we'll see if that goes well...(just a little scary this kind of stuff, when you 
have no clue, reminds me of the time I set this thing up with eth0 as a 'trusted 
device' then connected it to the cable modem, D'Oh!!!)

Thanks again for your help, Patrick.

From: Patrick Lesslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Net connection: welcome to debian/credativ/whatever

Here's a fairly vague analysis ...  Surely someone can just hit
this nail on the head ... anyone?

On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 09:30:23PM -0500, Hal Ashburner wrote:
> I'm writing from my parent's box which is running RH9 & Gnome on
> desktop, which incidentally as self-proclaimed 'proud luddites'
> both absolutely love using in comparison to the other computing 
> alternatives they have tried previously.
> The box hooks up to the net with Telstra big pond cable, which
> ok. My problem is this, I once hooked up my laptop running
debian to
> the same modem, which then seemed to re-name the connection to 
> 'debian' the login screen on red hat said "welcome to
debain" then 

I'm not sure I understand this bit.  Which login screen do you mean?
If you mean the main one into the window manager, then it looks like
you have set the hostname to debian.

> logging into gnome said it was unable to resolve 'debian' and to
> debian to /etc/hosts. (which I did)

Sounds like this was just a guess by gnome or some program, and you 
probably don't really want that.  How did you set up the connection
on each machine?

> I then booted Gnoppix on their box to see how that went,  
> and the connection was renamed credativ 

You must mean Knoppix ;)  They might use "credativ" as the 
hostname ... I don't think so ...  This might be a bit strange.  
Otherwise where are all these names coming from I wonder?

> and the same error message.
> Obviously I have no clue about what I'm doing here, ideally I'd
> to be able to give the connection/computer a name on boot from
> something like "Mum & Dad's box" or just
"Ashburner" Any suggestions?

:) "ashburner" would be a good choice.  Look out for spaces
and fancy
characters in hostnames.  I prefer shortish lowercase hostnames.

The computer name is the hostname, and that should be fixed.  I'm not
sure what kind of name the connection needs.  Do you know how you
first set that?   What did you use to set up the cable on each
distro?  Are you running a local network?

I'm also not quite sure what is going on.  However, I'd suggest that
the hosts file(s) might have something to do with it.

What I would do is post any network configuration you have to the
list, especially the contents of /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts,
/etc/network/interfaces (debian specific?) or whatever the
redhat equivalent to that is, and let the cable experts on
the list fix them up for you.

There is much more to explain but I think we'd better
find a bit more about the question.  You might do well to
check out  Chapter 8  of the Redhat 9 Reference: is your (assigned) static IP address, on the interface
(likely eth1 or eth0) that is connected to the cable modem.

FWIW you might try some things like this:

On the redhat machine:
/etc/hosts      localhost ashburner

You might not need that second line.

Also, /etc/hostname:

>             localhost.localdomain localhost
>  debian
> Link
> debian
> Link
> credativ

And was that an exact copy of /etc/hosts?  I don't recognise
the "Link" lines, I'm sure they shouldn't be there ...

Patrick Lesslie

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