> Dear list,
> Before I reinvent the wheel.  I am looking at using VNC to control Win98
> boxen remotely.
> I need a firewall / router for basic protection, is there any cheap
> eg DLink that are worth it?
> It is easy enough to just use IPTables but is there a template /
> pre-written rules floating around.

I have Linux kernel version 2.4.20.

I am using templates. You may find these at,


There are two scripts:

1. 'firewall-2.4.sh' is fired up with 'start', 'stop', or 'restart'
as required, as follows:

firewall-2.4.sh start.

2. 'rc.firewall-2.4' is the script that kicks off when script
on '1.' is selected with a 'start' parameter

Please note to modify 'rc.firewall-2.4' for your requirements.

Please also note Linux Kernel version requirements and
all  legal stuff as indicated within these scripts.

Oscar Plameras

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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