Yes - ok....  agreed Mick.
Sorry John Clarke, when I sent:

> John was only expressing his dislike for such spams...

I meant Johnathon Kelly...  just trying to defend him a bit, but
I should have left it - I meant no harm.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Damien Solley
Sent: Friday, 26 September 2003 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] This list has changed for the worst

On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 01:45, Mick wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm not far from Sydney, so if anyone takes exception to this critisim, I
> can easily make the next SLUG meeting.
> There are no FLAMERS on this post, hasn't been, shouldn't be.  If you take
> exception to what is said in an email, leave it be... kick the dog, beat
> your partner, or whatever else you need to do to boost your ego.  Don't
> infect the list with faceless, gutless rubbish. (ref to paragraph 1)
> This list is for people who;
> a. Are advanced enough to actually confuse the rest of us when they have
> problems
> b. Are advanced enough to actually help newbies when they are not helping
> each other.
> When I see "take your head out of your arse" on the SLUG mailing list, I
> know we have problems.  That's Microsoft talk for "I found the command
> nah nah!"
> SLUG is above all that, Slug is about helping and nurturing a growing
> community.  Slug is the public face of Linux for alot of Sydneysiders (and
> possibly much further a field).  Slug is where you turn when Debian bites
> you on the arse and you somehow manage to get Pine or Mutt to send a big
> Linux SOS.
> If this mailing list degrades into some "windows" orientated flame war
> a lot half wit "know it alls" telling people off because they "know
> then I'll go back to using windows where I can  avoid/ don't need to
> contact/associate/speak/type messages to people like that.
> So will alot of other people.
> Get it together SLUG, we depend on you, we depend on your knowledgable
> members and we more than ever we need a sense of community.
> Like I said, I am available anytime ... Flame this post and you'd better
> have it to front the next slug meeting, otherwise, your just datavapour
> For all who have kept the faith, and especially for our departing "el
> presidenti" and "vice" Brave, Encore, Encore, Encore!
> Mick

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