Every so often, I have seen a number of Q here regarding Apple Mac hardware,
hence, I'm assuming there are some Mac hardware users here, are there any
Mac OS users though ? Reading through a Mac book I picked up today (of all
places, at everythinglinux) I now know that Mac OS is *nix based.

But, all in all, I know rather little about Macs

what is the situation with Macs and so-called virii and worms, does anyone
has real-life experience that can point me in the right direction ?

I'll need to look after some Macs that will be ADSL connected to Internet
soon, and, need to research it somewhat, so, I do not appear a total dummy
(partial dummy is OK)

I have a Mac user (unrelated to above scenario) who told me: Mac are
wonderfull, I don't need any anti virus, I don't have crashes, we are so
blissed we run only Macs
I suspect the above-mentioned Mac user may well have a competent person
looking after her Macs, hence, her bliss(full ignorance)

Symantec are happy to sell me Mac anti virus, but, they are equally happy to
sell me OS/2 anti virus.

any good Mac mail lists or sigs anyone knows ?

I'm guessing Mac with MS stuff like Office and especially Outbreak would be
prone to some of the MS malware there is ?

anyhow, any advice appreciated, apologise for this far off topic, perhaps
replies might be directed directly to me if that is too far off here

Voytek Eymont
Checked for Virus's by Asoft Email Scan

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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