Hi Angus:

My replies under [Louis].

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Angus Lees [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, 28 October 2003 20:37
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] Anyone used Perl's Filter package !!
> At Mon, 27 Oct 2003 13:17:11 +1100 (EST), education  wrote:
> > I download the package Filter-1.26 from CPAN. I'm having problems
> > understanding how to use this package to get Perl code to
> go through
> > the filter before compilation.
> > Also does this method clearly prevents anyone from seeing
> the source
> > code of a Perl script ?
> Unless it uses some form of encryption, then all you've done
> is obscured the code - anyone who can use the same filter can
> read the source code.
> See Embperl for an example of a module which *does* do
> encrypted source code - you compile a private key into the
> embperl module and then use it to encrypt source code files
> (see crypto/README in Embperl source).

[Louis] This is not installed on my server. I will get it installed to
play with. However I have just read about it from CPAN from the reference
you gave. I have some questions about this.
Here goes:

Q1. This may sound basic. I suppose if I encrypt the file, then if I run
it on another server, does it just needs EmbPerl (same version or any
version) installed ?

I read from the README that the "epcrypto_config.h" file needs to be
edited to enable encryption and choose the algorithm to use.

Q2. Does the setup for this part on the other server have to be the same ?
i.e for the other server to decrypt the binary and run the perl script the
header file has to be edited and recompiled to use the exact algorithm ?
Can't EmbPerl detect what algorithm to use when decrypting ?

Q3. When encrypting the file from the epcrypto program, can I name the
destination filename as a ".pl" script ?

Q4. As this is a Perl script I am trying to encrypt, does the path to perl
have to be in the source before encryption ? Will the script work if I add
the path to perl manually in the destination filename ?

Q5. Finally I suppose all I distribute is the destination encrypted files,
and DO NOT give out the source files from the crypto directory ?

Once I get it installed I will play with it a little bit. If I need more
help I'll post again.


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