<quote who="Alper Ciftci">

> Hi, 
> I am a Maths/Physics teacher at Sule College and I want to install Linux on
> my laptop. 
> I got about 80 GB free disk space.
> My purpose is to run mathematical & scientific software free. Of course
> office programs as well, but teaching software is my preference.
> I used redhat at uni about 5 years ago.
> But I do not know how to install. Currently XP is loaded and I want to keep
> it.
> At school we have cable modem, and at home I use iprimus dial up.
> I have a few questions:
> 1.    Which distribution will be the best for me 
> 2.    If I select any of the distributions can I install any linux
> application from the net? Or is there any restriction that an application
> will only work on redhat and not slackware etc. 
> 3.    Can I install multiple versions at the same time to test and
> evaluate which version is best for me? 
> 4.    If possible can I meet with anyone to do the installation process
> together? I have fast internet and a burner. Can download anything. 
Hi Alper,

Is computer support at Sule College provided by the same person that
looks after the IT infrastructure at the Sule College primary school at
Auburn?  The computers supplied to that school by Computerbank are
running Debian and the IT support person was familiarising himself with
this distribution.  This may be of interest in your choice.



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