Hello Unnamed Person,

You might want to try:

        my $HOME = ($0 =~ /^(.*\/)/)[0];

This will set $HOME to the path of the executing script. Note that this
is not completely portable, though it works fairly reliably on Linux.

So if you put your Perl script in /var/www/cgi-bin (for example), you
could do this to get /var/www/htdocs:

        my $HTDOCS = "$HOME../htdocs";

Or whatever, etc. etc.


On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 11:35:35AM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Just a minor typo with attempt 2, the code is
> push(@INC, $cgibin);
> Thanks
> > Hi Sluggers:
> >
> > I have been looking at an efficient way to move away from having to
> > constantly have paths specified in scripts repeatedly. So here is the
> > full story in great detail so that I can hopefully get an informed
> > decision. This is not a problem but merely looking for an efficient way
> > to do this.
> >
> > When I write scripts (Perl) I normally specify the full paths to the
> > base root directory (base html dir) and the path to cgi-bin specified.
> > With these two paths I can access other scripts interfaces after pushing
> > the path in @INC and use 'require', and also process text files etc ....
> >
> > Now I was normally specifying these two paths in all scripts at the top
> > in the past. But recently have been thinking about moving away from
> > this. So here are two things I did but is not quite to what I want to
> > achieve but close.
> >
> > Attempt 1.
> > ===========
> > I basically have a text file where I have these two full paths
> > specified. The file is located in the same directory as all the scripts.
> > If there are scripts in another directory, then in that directory I have
> > a sim link to the file that holds the actual path data. Now in all
> > scripts, I just do this before anything else to set the paths:
> >
> > my @paths;
> >
> > open (FILE, "path.dat") || die "error blah blah ...";
> >     while(<FILE>) {
> >         chomp;
> >         push @paths, $_;
> >     }
> > close (FILE);
> >
> > As I know the order of the paths in the file, I have these two below as
> > globals:
> >
> > my $homedir = $paths[0];
> > my $cgibin = $paths[1];
> >
> > This work greats with browser called scripts, but I hit a problem with
> > scripts that runs via cron. The problem with cron scripts is that it
> > cannot open the "path.dat" file despite that it's in the same directory
> > as the cron script itself. I think where cron executes (don't know
> > where) it's not in reference with the same directory where the script
> > and file is located, so cannot see it.
> >
> > So I moved away from this solution and went to attempt 2.
> >
> > Attempt 2.
> > ===========
> > I create a 'path.pl' script where I specify $homedir, $cgibin, and other
> > other common used stuff by all scripts via a routine called
> > "set_paths()". Then with "Exporter::Lite", I export these two variables
> > and the others.
> >
> > In other scripts the problem is that I have to tell it from this
> > 'path.pl' script is. So I am forced to have one path specified. i.e I
> > have to define
> >
> > $cgibin = "/path_to_where_path.pl_is_located";
> >
> > Then I do this
> >
> > push($cgibin, @INC);
> > require 'path.pl';
> >
> > &set_paths();
> >
> > This now has all common stuff accessible. But I still have to specify
> > one hardcoded path in all scripts which is no way as good as attempt
> > one. With attempt 2 cron scripts also works fine.
> >
> > I have been looking at a way to have @INC permanently have the path to
> > where this 'path.pl' is located so that all I need to do is just call
> > "&set_paths()". I read about this from this url
> >
> > http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/porting.html#_INC_and_mod_perl
> >
> > However I'm not sure what configuration file they are talking about and
> > also what is this startup.pl script located. It also appears that only
> > the server administrator can do this. Is this right ?
> >
> > So for now I am with attempt 2 as I can run cron and browser called
> > scripts.
> >
> > If anyone have some thoughts or a better solution on this please share
> > them with me.
> >
> > Cheers.
> >
> >
> > --
> > SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
> > More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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