
>> -A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 ntp -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
>                                 ^^^
> *Sigh*.  You've been told this several times already, by me and
> others.  This should be *udp*:

yes, though, when I set to:
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 ntp -p udp -y -j ACCEPT

it was failing to start, anyhow, I eventually worked out that I need to
remove 'y' from the line, BUT, I fail to sync even if i shutdown the
ipchains service

so, whilst I was having problem working correct syntax for UDP, I shut
down the ipchains, still, no go:

# /sbin/service ipchains stop
Flushing all chains:                                       [  OK  ]
Removing user defined chains:                              [  OK  ]
Resetting built-in chains to the default ACCEPT policy:    [  OK  ]
# /usr/sbin/ntpdate
18 Nov 14:54:29 ntpdate[6193]: no server suitable for synchronization found

if it fails with ipchains down, wouldn't that imply the problem is
elsewhere ?

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