I know your problem's solved but I usually test access with smbclient..

smbclient -L servername -U sharename
smbclient //servername/shared -U username

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, Adam W wrote:

> Hi All,
> Having a few issues with a samba share that i cannot work out...
> Basically i can access a share called "shared" on my samba server but
> nobody else can do it on their machines, even though they are part of
> the same group and that group has access to the share - otherwise i
> myself wouldnt be able to access it...
> The other users seem to be authenticating, because they can see their
> home directory and write/read to it/from it...
> here is the smb.conf:
> [global]
>         server string = Samba Server %v
>         security = user
>         map to guest = bad user
This line is probably a bad idea. If user mistypes their password it logs 
them in as Guest and they'll whinge they don't have access to stuff.

>         workgroup = WG1
>         load printers = yes
>         log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
>         smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
>         dns proxy = no
>         printcap name = cups
>         encrypt passwords = yes
>         wins support = true
>         max log size = 50
>         printer admin = @adm
>         socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
>         printing = cups
>         unix password sync = yes
>         netbios name = woja
>         os level = 20
> [homes]
>    comment = Home Directories
>    browseable = no
>    writable = yes
> [shared]
>         writeable = yes
>         valid users = @shared
>         user = @shared
>         path = /mnt/shared
>         comment = shared folder
> /mnt/shared is owned by the group "shared" and all have read write
> permissions recursively..
> Each time i try to browse the "shared" share on one of the other
> workstations, this appears in the appropriate log file:
> [2003/11/19 14:23:45, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(599)
>   compaq ( Can't change directory to /mnt/shared
> (Permission denied)
> [2003/11/19 14:23:45, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(599)
>   compaq ( Can't change directory to /mnt/shared
> (Permission denied)
> where else can their permission be denied ??? it doesnt make sense...
> Thanks for any help..
> Adam W. 

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