Hi sluggers,
I have a question about squid.
I am trying to allow access to a particular site for a client who has a
squid proxy. Access to the site works if you specifiy the ISP's upstream
cache in the browser prefs. Access does not work if you don't specify
the upstream proxy and if you have transparent proxying turned off or on
on the local cache. So i believe the ISP (pacific internet) is doing
trans proxying as well. 
How can I get squid to behave in the same way (ie as though you
specified the upstream proxy in the browser) for just this domain?

I have tried this:
acl partsales dstdomain .partsales.com.au
always_direct allow partsales

which doens't work.
and I have tried:
neighbor_type_domain   parent partsales.com.a
and that doesn't seem to work either.

I have also tried

cache_peer proxy.pacific.net.au parent 8080 3130
cache_peer_access proxy.pacific.net.au allow all
cache_peer_access proxy.pacific.net.au allow partsales

every time I request through squid, the request just sits there with a
get request and no data flows.
I can duplicate this exact same setup on the same isp with the same
versions of the software.
squid is version 2.4.6-2 (debian woody)

any hints on correct squid configuration?
I don't think its an issue with trans proxying on my end as links from
the cache/firewall gives me the same results - direct to the site
doesn't work, specifiying the upstream proxy does.
the site works fine through any other ISP.


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