On Mon, 26 Jan 2004, ksaenz wrote:

> Sun just marketed Java badly it could have killed c/c++, and most other languages, 
> due to it's
> portability. This is just me and I think java had it's day. Perl rules

Java could never kill C/C++. The latter are low-level programming languages that 
code well within 10% of the speed of assembley programs. Java runs like a dog
by comparison (well, so do perl and python, but that's Just Intime Compilation for
you). Linus Thorvals said that they even tried C++ for kernel programming back in 1992 
gave up on it. C will be the language of choice for a long time to come when the code 
be "close to the machine". C++ does too many hidden data and process re-structuring 
and exception handling is majorly bad ... this freaks out systems programmers to no 
Java was never in the running as a systems programming language.

And Java is distinctly NOT portable. 

Perl, python, ruby -- these languages are the way of the future. They support
high level data abstractions directly in the language and truly are portable.
They are RAD tools, suit the web very well, and are ideal for applications
programming. But, like Java, they will never replace C and assembler for
systems programming.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services Pty Limited

NAFTA might be friendly to investment but it was not all that
friendly to democracy.
     -- Bill Moyers

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