On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 17:22, Bill Bennett wrote:
> Starting from the desktop,
> 1) Go into command line
> 2) Set font to required (ie., large) size
> 3) Maximise the page
> 4) Do whatever has to be done
> 5) Exit and log right out
> Next session, after the password, I'd like to begin at 4)
> There must be a way to do this. Any help, please?

If you're using gnome, then you can probably start a gnome-terminal, set
it up how you like it and log out with the "Save current setup" checkbox
ticked. Next time you log in Gnome should have restored it to the way
you had it.

If you're old-skool like me and using a straight xterm though, you can
set the font with the -fn command line option (use xfontsel to find the
name of the font you need) -- you'll be able to specify the font size
there. I don't know a way to maximise windows from the cmd line, but the
-geometry flag can probably be persuaded to do something close to what
you want to do. Then, you just put this command that you've constructed
into your session. So, running gnome-session-properties, or putting it
in your .xsession or something. It depends on what sort of desktop
you're using.



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