On Sun, Mar 07, 2004 at 08:39:10PM +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > * Alex Comfort's Joy of Debconf (30 min).  What is it, how it works, and
> > why it's so cool for your packages.  With special emphasis on Debconf
> > abuse and how to avoid it.
> Ha ha ha. Will there be pencil sketches of the Joy of Debconf in action? :-)

Only at the midnight session.  Debconf is a little risque...

> > * Version Control Is Your Friend (30 min).  Why you should learn a version
> > control system, and the basics (*very* basics) of using CVS.  While the
> > world seems to be moving to subversion, CVS is still very widely used, and
> > the basic concepts I'll be showing should transfer fairly easily across to
> > other version control systems.
> The world is moving to arch, Rob will assure you. :-)

He already has.  He fell for my cunning plan - he's offered (FSVO) to do an
arch talk, so (1) I'm off the hook for one talk, and (2) I might get to
learn a Real Version Control System.  <g>

- Matt
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