You try messing with xterm and the stuff on the Ctrl-Left/Middle/Right


On Fri, 19 Mar 2004, Peter Rundle wrote:

> Sluggers,
> I need to access an openVMS machine by telneting from my Linux Box. So far
> I've tried several different terminal software programs but can't seem to get
> one that groks VMS.
> Gnome-terminal
>    Doesn't advertise it's terminal emulation.
>    On login vms complains
>    %SET-W-NOTSET, error modifying TNA465:
>    -SET-I-UNKTERM, unknown terminal type
>    Home key doesn't go back to start of line and the terminal
>    starts in overtype mode
>    I can fix some of this by setting the term type in VMS
>      $ set term/device=vt102/insert
>    Doesn't fix the home key but at least terminal is useable.
> Eterm
>   Is recognised as a Vt100, starts in insert mode but backspace
>   works as home key, as does delete key so I can't delete typo's.
>   Don't know how to fix this in VMS.
> Xterm
>   Same as Eterm
> Kterm
>   Same as Eterm except that delete key works as backspace and delete.
> Any cluesticks?
> TIA's
> P.

David Airlie, Software Engineer / airlied at
pam_smb / Linux DECstation / Linux VAX / ILUG person

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