We are running all our Home directories for Windows from the Samba 'Homes'
share with noproblem for W2K or XP. We also have a number of other shares
that I access from my XP machine, as I amn ot actually loggin in to the
domain I need to specify the domain user I want to authenticate with so
use the /USER:domain_name\username switch

Luke (Terry)  Vanderfluit said:
> Hi,
> I'm running Redhat 9 and samba 2.2.7a.
> I recently setup an XP on my network but couldn't get it to recognise a
> share on the linux box.
> Usually on W98 and W2000 I'd use the *.reg files that come with the
> samba distribution. This would ensure that the password encryption is
> consistent.
> There is a '.reg' file for XP, but running that had no effect and I
> couldn't map a network drive from the XP box.
> Does anyone have experience with setting up shares on samba and getting
> them to work with XP?
> any input appreciated,
> kr,
> Luke

Simon Bryan
IT Manager
OLMC Parramatta
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