On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 07:23, Peter Rundle wrote:
> Just need confirmation of my understanding of the limitations of VPN (pptp) and 
> Nat'd 
> networks.

Welcome to my 30 second guide to PPTP. :-)

A PPTP connection has two parts. First there's a TCP connection from the
client to port 1723 on the server. This is used for authentication and
handshaking. Then a GRE (generic routing encapsulation, protocol 47)
connection is established. I've never looked in to whether this is
initiated by the client or the server. This connection is used to
actually send the encrypted data.

> *But!* only one box can setup such a tunnel at any given time.

Just to clarify this. The gateway can track multiple masqueraded PPTP
tunnels. But only one to a given server. ie, only one machine on the LAN
can connect to the PPTP server on machine foo, but somebody else (or the
same person) on the LAN is free to connect to bar if they want.

>  This is because the pptpd 
> server out on the internet needs to initiate a seperate new tcp/ip session from the 
> outside back in (for GRE?). The Linux iptables Nat is "smart enough" to be able to 
> work 
> out which PC this connection should be directed to because it matches it to the 
> existing 
> outbound tcp/ip session. However if more than one outbound session exists there is 
> no way 
> to match it up. Is my understanding correct?


Masquerading works[1] by keeping a cache of source and destination IP
addresses and ports. As an example, when a machine on your LAN tries to
send to port 80 on www.google.com, the gateway intercepts the packet,
stores the original source IP and port number, rewrites them (using the
gateway's external IP and assigning a new source port) and sends the
packet out to the Internet.

When google sends data back, the gateway checks if the port number is in
its masquerading cache. Then it rewrites the packet, inserting the
original source IP and port saved above, and forwards the packet on to
the LAN and back to the original client machine.

This works really well for TCP and UDP. It becomes a bit of a problem
with GRE[2] though, because GRE has no concept of ports. If one
masqueraded machine is talking to your external server named foo, it's
easy - just direct all GRE traffic from foo to the internal box.

If a second masqueraded machine tries to send GRE traffic to foo,
though, it becomes a problem because there's no reliable way to track
whether a given GRE packet *back* from foo should be directed to the
first or second internal machine.

I'd love to be corrected, but as far as I'm aware there's simply no way
you'll be able to have two masqueraded machines connecting to the same
PPTP server. This isn't just a limitation of the Linux kernel - none of
the embedded firewall/router devices I've checked were able to support
it either.

You can get around the problem by establishing the PPTP link from the
gateway itself. There are some routing issues that need to be addressed
if you do this, though. The PPTP server won't know how to route your
local LAN addresses. You can fix this with either static routing on the
PPTP server, or by having the gateway masquerade traffic over the PPTP

Hope this helps..

[1] -
[2] - http://www.networksorcery.com/enp/protocol/gre.htm has a nice
explanation with diagrams of a GRE header and links to relevant RFCs.

[3] - I got through all that without a PPTP link. Whoops. :-)
      http://www.microsoft.com/ntserver/ProductInfo/faqs/PPTPfaq.asp is
of limited use.


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